Ally Pisay Son

Ally Pisay Son

Event Coordinator

Good Day! My name is Ally Pisay Son. I’m a true local resident raised in St. Petersburg my entire life. I am a blessed child to be the first generation in the family to be raised here in America with opportunities experiencing and learning new cultural traditions.

I graduated from University of South Florida and majored in Hospitality and Tourism because I love hosting events and meeting new people from out of town. After witnessing so many beautiful weddings while interning for graduation at a resort, I decided to become certified from The Bridal Society. Thanks to The Bridal Society reunion and continuous training, this is how I met our Caring Leader, Dawn.

In my free time, I like to enjoy nature by walking on trails or paddling in Florida Natural Springs, spend time with love ones, and blessed with the opportunity to travel across the World.

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Take the first step toward having and EPIC Event!